...the sign you are stronger than others
Saiyan Race
Super Saiyan1: at 100,000 PL (your PL is risen to 175,000)
Super Saiyan2: at 275,000 PL (your PL is risen to 300,000)
Super Saiyan3: at 400,000 PL ( your PL is risen to 500,000)
Super Saiyan4: at 650,000 (your PL is risen to 700,000 and you may get 2 items for free, or ¶15,000)
Super Saiyan Ultra X4: Once all attacks are learned at PL is 1,000,000 (PL is doubled, 3 free items, u feel really strong)
Cell Race
1st Transformation: at 111,000 PL (your PL is doubled)
2nd Transformation: at 300,000 PL (you PL is risen to 450,000)
3rd Transformation: at 600,000 PL (you PL is risen up to 800,000 and 3free items, or ¶15,000)
Mutants (like frieza, or ginyu's)
1st Transformation: at 105,000 PL (PL is risen to 200,000)
2nd Transformation: at 301,000 PL (PL is risen to 385,000)
3rd Transformation: 490,000 PL (PL is risen to 550,000)
4th Transformation: at 590,000 PL (choice: 4 items, or doubled PL, or ¶15,000)
If you are a species that does not transform or go super, then on the planet Frieza, there is a special unknown
person you can train with, it will triple you PL. He will also give you 2 free items of your choice and ¶9,500.